Yesterday my "little" cousin Donny got married. "Little" gets air-quotes in this case because, while 7 or so months younger than me, Donny is a good foot, foot and a half taller than me. Ah, to be the 5'4" midget in a family of 6'+ giants...'tis my fate.
I wasn't sure that I would be able to make it to the wedding, due to saving for our own wedding, as well as a much busier work schedule than I would like. I kept checking travel websites, though, in the hopes that I would see a fare I just couldn't refuse. My persistence paid off, and as soon as we received Donny and Kathryn's beautiful invitation, I was able send back my RSVP card with a happy "Yes!"
I am so, so glad I was able to go. The Henderson family is a big group of fun and loving people, and I relish the time I get to spend with them. I know that I won't have time to talk much to them at my own wedding, and I definitely wanted the chance to hang out before that happened. The wedding was held at Willowdale Estate in Topsfield, MA, on the north shore of the state.
What a beautiful venue. I have just been blown away by all of the spots where friends and family have chosen to get married, and this was no exception. Elegantly rustic, the ceremony and reception were both held in the backyard, the latter under a huge tent that was simply decorated with huge green and white paper lanterns. So great.
Over the past 3 years, we have seen a number of ceremonies, and each one has been so meaningful and personal and unique to each couple. Kathryn and Donny decided to have a non-church wedding, a decision that may have thrown my largely Catholic family for a loop. I for one was so glad they chose to do that, selfishly because D and I are doing the same, but also just because I believe that couples should have the right to get married in the manner that suits their lives and beliefs. If you're not a churchgoer, why get married in a church? But I digress (as usual).
K&D's ceremony may have been presided over by a minister, but it was a completely secular affair until the very end when he said a prayer over them. The most meaningful parts of the ceremony for me were when my brother and one of Kathryn's friends each spoke about their thoughts on the relationship of the couple, and on love and marriage in general. It made it much more personal than just following the standard order of a church wedding service. I appreciated how much they made the ceremony their own.
What can I say about the rest of the night? Dancing the night away with all my beautiful cousins was super fun-telling my grandmother I had gotten tipsy at the open bar was, in retrospect, probably a lapse in judgment-having my first food stations experience was fun, and made me a bit wistful that we opted against them-and getting to see Donny smile with his lovely new bride (my new cousin) made my trek across the country completely worthwhile. I hope I can give my family as good a time as they had last night!
The Fiancee
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